
Do you live in Aachen? Do you live or enjoy spending time in the city centre, the Frankenberger Viertel or Aachen-Nord? We want to hear your opinion!

We often hear of great dissatisfaction among the population. Many people feel that their needs are not sufficiently taken into account in urban development. This makes it all the more important for our democracy that more people speak out and get involved in local politics. With our project, we want to create an educational format to facilitate precisely this. We are currently developing a district tour in the city centre, the Frankenberger Viertel and Aachen-Nord. The aim is to describe how the neighbourhood has changed in recent years, what current developments or problems are and what changes could be possible in the future.

The neighbourhood tours should be by the people for the people. To do this, we need the opinion of you, the residents of the neighbourhoods. You are the experts for your neighbourhood and know best what needs to change to ensure a good life for everyone.

– What are your most important memories from the neighbourhoods?

– How do you rate the development in recent years?

– What are the biggest problems for you?

– What needs to change most urgently?

– What wishes, ideas or needs do you have?

Send us your answers! We will incorporate them into the neighbourhood tour!

Email: Nachhaltigkeitsprojekt@buergerstiftung-aachen.de

On our website you will also find a questionnaire for each of the neighbourhoods, which you can fill in online.

We look forward to receiving your answers!

Sustainability project Aachen